Thursday October 15 8 - 9 pm Facebook Live Event
Be inspired! Join me - Sheri Cole of Colorful Additions Jewelry &
special guest music artist Amanda Hagel for a virtual launch of a
beautiful boho inspired jewelry collection. This stunning
collection provides inspiration for choosing the path that is right
for you & dance to the beat of your own drum. Amanda will sing a
couple of songs which connect so well with this Collection
including her new single Angel Lullaby. It is such an amazing and
powerful song! It will an enjoyable time of stories, songs &
sparkly bits! Both Sheri & Amanda are local prairie gals
with big things happening... hope you can join us.
If you prefer to join by zoom you can copy and paste the link:
Meeting ID: 846 5370 0509
Passcode: 6wrgau
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84653700509#,,,,,,0#,,690572# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,84653700509#,,,,,,0#,,690572# US (Chicago)